What to Wear for your Engagement Session

Engagement Session Outfit Ideas

When it comes to engagement sessions, one of the most common questions is “what should I wear?!”. So, if that’s you, you aren’t alone! In this blog post, I’m here to tell you what to wear for your engagement session (and what NOT to wear!). Additionally, I’m sharing all of my tips and tricks to taking engagement photos you’ll love for years to come. If you’re engaged (or waiting on a ring ;)), be sure to read through this post, share with your friends, and save it for later! I promise these tips are foolproof for an amazing engagement session! Plus, looking for an engagement photographer or wedding photographer? Reach out now!

What to wear for your engagement session. couples photo outfits. neutral outfit ideas

Engagement Sessions – Start Here

I’m glad you asked!! The first thing to consider when planning your engagement session outfits are:

  • What’s the location for your engagement session?
  • What time of year is it in?
  • What’s the weather going to be like?
  • What am I comfortable in?

As a general rule of thumb, avoid wearing the same main color as your background (unless it’s a neutral). For example, if you’ll be in a wooded area filled with LOTS of green, don’t wear green if you can! If you’re headed to the beach, avoid wearing blue! The reason for this is that I want you to pop in the photos – not just blend in!

What to Wear for your Engagement Session – Outfit Ideas:

Below are tons of outfit ideas that REAL couples I have photographed have worn for their engagement session! I love all of these outfits for multiple reasons, but here’s a few! They all are flattering, fit the scenery, and contribute to the overall photo! At the end of the day, don’t overthink it! Wear outfits you LOVE! Consider these outfit ideas as my virtual pinterest board – handpicked just for you! Or, better yet, head to my pinterest for more inspiration!

For the fall, I love couples outfits that are neutral but have a little bit of texture! Cream colored sweaters add a soft texture that adds so much to the photos!

Beach sessions are made even better by lots of lighter colors, like whites! Additionally, I love the layered look of the white top and denim!

For fall sessions, I’m obsessed with the earth tones like this brown colored dress paired with a simple black shirt! SO CUTE!

What to Wear for your Engagement Session – Top Tips:

Wear What’s Comfortable!

As a general rule of thumb, wear what you feel comfortable and confident in. I know, I know – you want to be trendy. And that’s okay! But be sure to wear things the feel like you! Okay, maybe don’t wear your favorite oversized sleep shirt, BUT what i mean is don’t wear your highest, most uncomfortable heels. don’t make yourself wear that super tight shirt that’s going to make you self-conscious. Instead, wear the clothes that you’re comfortable in. in my sessions, expect to have a lot of movement (it’s what helps them all feel genuine – not awkward!) If it’s cold, wear layers so your teeth aren’t chattering so hard that you can’t smile. Trust me, I get you want to wear what’s cute but I promise you that wearing cute, but comfortable clothing will make you enjoy your session so much more!

Wear Neutral Tones

People always ask me specifically what colors they should wear. my go to answer is always neutrals – here’s why.

Neutrals always photograph well – there’s no distracting patterns or colors that show up weird in certain lighting situations. they always compliment the backgrounds without distracting from the subjects.

Neutral color ideas:

  • Whites & creams
  • browns & tans
  • black & grays

Earth Toned Outfits

In addition to neutrals, I recommend sticking to earth tones! these are colors like deep greens, dusty reds, & soft oranges. Think of things that are found in nature. as mentioned earlier, try to make sure they don’t fully blend in to the backgrounds, but instead look for colors that compliment the surroundings! If your session is at golden hour, these colors will look especially good!

Wear What Compliments Each Other

Now for putting together couples session outfits that look good together. arguably the hardest part. let me break down a few simple rules that will help you look absolutely bomb together. let’s avoid the awkward matching outfits, okay? and the harsh patterned outfits….those need to go too…

Accessories & Layers

I love adding accessories & layers to couples’ outfits! It’s an easy way to add simple details to the photos without distracting.


+ hats (gigipip is my favorite!)

+ jackets

+ Denim

+ scarves (if cold)

Other accessories:

+ cute shoes

+ blankets

+ watches

+ accent jewelry

+ matching shoes

Let’s Talk Timing for your Engagement Session

The time of day you have your session actually can really impact the overall look & feel of your photos. I always recommend shooting during the golden hours of the day – right after sunrise or right before sunset. This is when the lighting is the softest & gives out those golden tons. if the session is during a different time of the day – no worries, I’m a professional and it happens! it just might mean we get creative with the light, find shade when needed, and just adapt!

More Engagement Session Inspiration

