Jester Park Des Moines, Iowa Engagement Session

Alexis and Jess wanted their summertime engagement session somewhere in the woods but also wanted some tall prairie grass to add a golden vibe. I knew Jester Park just outside of Des Moines, Iowa was the perfect place to have their engagement session just before the Iowa trees turned colors. I absolutely love the tall pine trees that tower over you at Jester Park – minus the poison ivy I got at this session… anything to get the shot, right? Jester park has the cutest little pond that has beautiful colors in the golden hours of the evening and we happened to go at the perfect time before the park got too crowded.

Des Moines is the perfect place in the midwest to have an engagement session because there are just so many amazing places to go and the perfect backgrounds that match any styles. Some other suggestions for Des Moines Iowa engagement sessions are:

  • Waterworks Park – another all time favorite place, especially in the spring or fall when the trees change. If you hit it at the right time, there are plenty of trees so you truly can get all different colors.
  • Gray’s Lake – at Gray’s lake, you can find prairie grass, water of the lake, and the sweetest little beach I love to take couples to. Just be sure you give plenty of time because in the summer time, Gray’s lake can be pretty crowded!
  • The Capital – before you tell my it’s too cheesy to have an Engagement Session at the Iowa capital building, hear me out. Just down the steps of the Des Moines capital building is an incredible view of the downtown. While it’s no Houston or Chicago, it does have some unique buildings and architecture which makes beautiful engagement photos.
  • Your favorite Des Moines bar, coffee shop, or eatery! I love having couples go to their favorite date spots. Grab drinks or an appetizer and make a fun date out of your engagement session!

Sorry for that tangent, but I love giving advice on where to have your engagement pictures in Des Moines, Iowa! Now, back to showing you this stunning Jester Park engagement session. It was such a fun and dreamy session hanging with Alexis and Jess. I guarantee these photos will make you smile because their sweet and fun loving nature is so contagious! We laughed so hard the whole engagement session.

I absolutely love the tall pine trees of Jester Park. It definitely makes it look a little less Iowa in the photos.

Golden hour photos always seem to be my favorites, especially when they’re in a golden field that illuminates the couple I’m photographing. Alexis + Jess got run through this golden field right outside of Jester Park and I am absolutely OBSESSED. Who knew something so beautiful was right outside of Des Moines?! I absolutely love photographing Iowa engagement sessions. Jester Park is definitely at the top of my list for favorite Des Moines photo locations. What do you think? Would you have your engagement session here?

All rights reserved to Alecca Synclair Photography.

